Jumps from Charlottesville
Clarksville 115 miles
Burlington, NC 68 miles
Wilson, NC 110 miles
Raleigh NC 50 miles
A week with its share of challenges. Our bookers and promotions and marketing team spent a year preparing for a date in Wilmington, NC. With ten days to go before the date the Cape Fear Fair announced that they would ask for enforcement of an obscure law prohibiting competing outdoor entertainment within 30 days of a fair. We scrambled and found a lot in Raleigh.
A poultry truck plowed into the rear end of one of our midway trailers, housing the giant snakes, a concessions booth, and a ticket booth. The trailer was lost. (Snakes okay!)
A chemical plant near Raleigh caught fire as the show was jumping into the Wake County Speedway today. 16,000 people were forced to evacuate, and some roads were closed. Raleigh media isn’t telling circus stories today.
But the tent went up and the show goes on with all of its glitter and charm.