El Paso. Perfect circus weather. Winds have finally died down and the temps haven’t climb back up into the 90’s. A beautiful show day with three performances. A dawn the bigtop was haunting quiet in it’s blanket of dust left over from yesterday.
Aaron offers up his first contribution to the blog:
Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls salutations to all. My name is Aaron C Broderick. I;’m the ringmaster for the Carson & Barnes Circus and I have enjoyed hearing from you over the last month. Now it’s my turn. This past month has been very exciting. I’ve learned a lot about the circus and I’ve learned a lot about myself. I;ve met many different people and I’ve discovered more about faith. So far we’ve visited Texas and New Mexico. I miss my family, who have been very supportive of my efforts to work in a circus. I especially miss my brother Joe who has given me hope my whole life. Joe is in Iraq. I’m dedicating everything I do on the show to him. This season we’ve had our good days and our slow days, but mostly good. I’m excited that we’re off to a great start. Hope to see you all as we move along.