Still no computer. We've been out for nine days and lost two dates to weather. We're in central Arkansas. Jumps mostly short. Business good. Matt Marguchi our composer leaves today. He'll be missed. His trumpet has been the bedlat thing about the show. Adkins AR today. Warm, grass lot.
Come back to us! The silence is deafening. I can hear it over the elephants singing!
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:29 AM
Well, good to hear you are going back on the road though I admit I was mystified by your overwintering in old stomps Upstate. I've been back in the old country Bronx dystopia the last month and change, mom's dying, taking care. I am as always a bit jealous about you and your ability to live on that road I always wanted to make it on myself, but it takes a special skill set and determination beyond my comprehension. Best to you from where the Zoo Train adventures happened...
Posted by
dti |
11:40 PM
Just wondering if you were ever going to get to "post" again
Posted by
safariman |
5:48 PM
Do wish you could get interent access and equipment.
You have made it very lonesome out here in the hinderlands. :-)
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:32 PM
Aw, jeez, I was looking forward to reading more. Where are you? Can I freaking send you a computer so you get back online?
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:13 AM