My mother Nancy Holden Plunkett Trumble passed away today at St Vincent's Medical Center in northwester Pennsylvania. She was in her lifetime a superb horsewoman, a respected judge of hunters and jumpers, an oustanding teacher and the first person I ever heard of to have Jack Russell Terriers. From the time she graduated from Cornell University until her death she was in one sense or another an equestrian. She was also a great mother and grandmother, and no distance was too far to drive to visit the circus lot. I miss her already.
Bill, I am sure your mom was just as proud of you as you are of her. Take care.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:33 AM
Ben, I am sorry to hear about you losing your mother. As hard as it may be, I hope you have a wnoderful holiday season.
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:06 PM
My sincerest sympathies to you and your family.
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:38 PM
Our deepest sympathies, our hearts go out to you & your family.
The Gibtown Bunch
Bill, Trudy, Joanne, & PeeWee
Posted by
4:48 PM