Pilot Point, TX. 120 miles. Hot, muggy, rain.
Jumped back into TX for our swing around Dallas/Ft Worth. Forcast today calls for up to 6 inches of rain. Lot soft already. Muggy with a high temp near 90 degrees F predicted. Decision made in conjection with the sponsor to cancel today's shows, and to reschedule for next Thursday, when we'll jump back down from OK and make this our closing "date." Free day gives the working guys time to start on projects they would do when we reach winter quarters. Washing trucks, etc.
Jumped back into TX for our swing around Dallas/Ft Worth. Forcast today calls for up to 6 inches of rain. Lot soft already. Muggy with a high temp near 90 degrees F predicted. Decision made in conjection with the sponsor to cancel today's shows, and to reschedule for next Thursday, when we'll jump back down from OK and make this our closing "date." Free day gives the working guys time to start on projects they would do when we reach winter quarters. Washing trucks, etc.