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Saturday, March 25, 2006 


Sometime before May 1st, 2006 Aaron Broderick the 21 year old Ringmaster for the Carson & Barnes Circus will begin sharing stories from this, his first year on the show. "First of May" is an old circus term for a trouper beginning his or her initial mudshow summer. In the old days, by May 1st the roads were dry and the wagon shows could begin their annual campaign. Carson & Barnes is beginning its 70th Season.


I promise lots of pictures of Aaron, as well as other folks on the show a little later in the season.


I would like to say I loved the circus, it came to my town 11-25-06. I would like to say Aaron did a wonderful job, and hes a little hottie, and as sweet as can be. I too would like to see more pics of him. Theresa wichita ks.

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